

Submitted on: 25 Oct 11

Website Address: http://hermetik.fr/

Category: Web Designs

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Author's Description:

welcome on Hermetik studio. My name is Jérôme Bodin, I am a young graphic designer based in Paris. I have spent the last five years studying between Strasbourg (Applied Arts – Le Corbusier School) and Paris at the Gobelins School. Currently, I am actually working in freelance as a graphic designer for various companies.
I have a passion for design, and in particular for projects requiring
a blend between esthetic, efficiancy and originality. Besides web design, I appreciate working on movies, on print design, and more generally on all projects linked to interactivity. Throughout my professional projects, I was able to evolve in working groups and exchange with other designers. I therefore feel very comfortable in collaborative work environments.
I am eager to start new challenges and I am highly interested in all propositions. I am at your entiere disposal should you requiere more informations.

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